Earlier this year, Substack kindly asked me to launch my work on their site. The idea had a very fortunate beginning, initiated as it was by a chance meeting with a Substack executive one morning in my favourite coffee bar in Nosara, Costa Rica, where my eyes were opened by her enthusiasm, and by the possibility of a dedicated, in-depth following of my work all delivered in a very elegantly designed package. So, here we are…
I will make old work, new work, and work in the midst of progress available to subscribers combined with my accompanying photography, as well as new short videos and audio. The whole should create an intimate way for people to deepen their relationship with my work, my thoughts, and with good fortune, my continued evolution.
Poetry might be the miracle art form we practice every day of our lives whether we are aware of it or not. Not all of us grow up from infancy practicing the art forms of painting, sculpture or music, but all of us grew intimately and from our very birth learning the power of words and the magic of language, when words first met and constellated together in such astonishing ways. Words were our horizon between self and other. A child learning the word ‘door’ for the first time is not describing something that lives only outside of themselves, but experiencing everything inside them or outside their bodies that might be opened, leant against or closed against them. Poetry is the art of uniting the inner and the outer worlds, and the practice of reading or writing it on a daily basis enables us to sustain that experience through all the many difficult thresholds of maturity in a human life.
My life as a poet has formed a readership in what is usually considered three mutually exclusive areas: the literate world of readings that most poets inhabit, the psychological and theological worlds of philosophical enquiry and the world of vocation, work and organizational leadership.
I believe that the reading, writing and speaking of poetry can foster qualities of courage and engagement; qualities needed if we are to respond to today’s call for increased creativity and adaptability in the workplace.
Everything Is Waiting for You
I invite you to be part of a community of people who share a love of poetry, philosophy and in taking a closer look at the questions that have no right to go away.
You are not a troubled guest on this earth, you are not an accident amidst other accidents, you were invited from another and greater night than the one from which you have just emerged. excerpt from WHAT TO REMEMBER WHEN WAKING from The House of Belonging