I find this a quietly powerful poem and believe, as the poem says, that if we can find our own self and image at the centre of our own story, we can never be untrue to our destiny. And I would add, we will never be alone again because we have ourself. That is the best company to keep! And like verse 13, I can confess "I know what I am saying....." because I "looked again" at one point in my life to find that aspect of self I was missing. And found it. "Hold to your own truth at the centre of the image you were born with." In a nutshell, I know that is the truth because "there is only one life we can call our own." One truth we can call our own. Everyone and everything else is "other".

Final reflection on the image, which once again I find so eloquent. I see the two sets of ripples spreading from the water's contact with the figure in the centre. One set is created by the flow of the water against the figure, which parts and slides by. The other radiates concentrically from the figure as it impacts the element in which it stands. I see truth and poetry there!! Thank you David for the poem and photo.

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David’s words open up the spaces where transformation is possible. Its simple. Its deep. Its resilient. Its authentic. Its just damn good poetry. It meets us at the horizon of where we are and who we are becoming. 🙏❤️

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By far my favorite for decades and which I quote to most classes of medical professionals I teach: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QgNHmxIqKuA

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Signature David Whyte, forever young,

I appreciate your sharing, Dr. Paul.

May I add these stellar recordings that I frequently visit as bedtime stories.

David Whyte and Michael Toms on New Dimensions Radio. There are 4 archive additions on Apple Books.

1990 - Seeing With the Heart

1994 - Discovering Soul in the Workplace

2003 - Engaging Life’s Conversations

2009 - Finding a Deeper Satisfaction in Our

Work, Relationships and Ourselves

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Which I should state is the poem, “Lost”

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Dear Mr. Whyte, your art of expression and commitment is touching, penetrating my senses. A bounteous harvest of poetic and mesmerizing energetic imagery. The film’s vivid visual’s coupled with what you say, mean exactly what you point too. Brilliant and accessible. Geraldine

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I read this at just the right juncture in my life, as I feel my creative expression flowering, "the true vow, the secret vow" that I am now daring to "speak out loud." As you write, 'There is only one life you can call your own and a thousand others you can call by any name you want' but for too long I did not "hold to the truth you make." Last week I began writing my own Substack newsletter, and it felt like I was speaking "for the first time, after all these years, in my own voice, before it was too late..." Thank you for your beautiful work, David.

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So beautiful and such an important message to each human being struggling with "promises", those made aloud and in the silence of the heart. Gratitude for your voice, David. It is foundational in my daily practice.

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