I add my thanks for this account of your creative experience, one that is shared by those few who, in the creating, get out of their own way enough to allow Source to speak through them. Your three Sundays has replaced any kind of church-going for me and I look forward to a new year of inspiration and comfort. You are the gift David, making the personal universal, and for this I am grateful.

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Beautiful to see your process so clearly here, David. As I delve into my second book in a trilogy, I face the pressure of living up to the beauty of the first. I love the way the spirit of the work seems to have come into you as you dived deeply into Consolations II. Thank you for this inspiring vision of how to embody a piece of writing until it comes to fruition. Blessings for a magical new year.

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I also enjoyed listening to your interview with Tim Ferriss on his podcast #781. The Tim Ferriss Show. A special treat!

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I loved the Tim Ferriss interview too! How cool is it when an old soul and a new soul actually talk (and listen) to each other? What a delight for us to listen in.

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Consolations II arrived the day after I experienced a bad fall. When I opened it randomly, as I often do with a new book, I found myself reading "Injury". Oh my, synchronicities aboutn.

Thank you so much, Sheldon

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Thank you David for your sacred words that inspire a life of enquiry and curiosity into the ream of hidden meanings of our language, spoken, heard and overheard in the hallways, the by ways and pubs. Happy Holidays

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Thank you for the lovely & inspiring tour of your life, work, creativity and spiritual journey through 2024. Jane

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Thank you for your work this year and the effect it has had on me, particularly the poem Start Close In, which took my life in a whole new and very welcome direction.

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What a wonderful window on your world, thank you for opening it and letting us in. Looking forward to reading Consolations I and II. Blessings, in and out of time...

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I'm grateful for your efforts. Your books solve my dilemma of, "What do I get for the person that has everything?" The gift for myself will be the audio version of C2, which I very much look forward to.... 😊🙏💞

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Lovely, lovely, remindful and uplifting to read this today. Thank you🌷

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Being Singaporean Chinese, a transplant from my own culture and roots, I have never been too interested in talking and examining the ideas, emotion and thoughts behind the subject of shame among those I interact with here (western culture). Thanks David, I appreciate you raising the topic most of us are fast to brush off. My husband and I thoroughly enjoy running across your latest Three Sundays. Thank you for doing and being the work 🫶🏼

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David, I found something quite comforting in the gestation period you underwent in writing Consolations II. It was a process I identified with (it felt familiar) as well as an invitation to continue to pursue the creative impulse within. Thank you.

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Thank you for turning toward shame and not rejecting it. What a beautiful essay! For me, 2024 was a year of awkwardly turning toward the things that pull me but that I want to turn away from and not see. It’s been rewarding, deepening, and completely terrifying. I see more of this coming in 2025. Here’s to keeping the gaze unbroken in its rawness and intensity. 🥂

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Thank you so much for sharing your process. I am aspiring to put metaphorical pen to late and write my first book this year, and I am understanding more and more how this will necessitate writing things down wherever I go, henceforth, for a time at least. Bless you, thank you & wishing you deep rest and merry Yuletide. ✨💛✨

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I just received "Consolations II" and I cannot wait to read it. Your words bring me such comfort, and bring new meaning, understanding, perception & light to everyday words. A story within each word. A world within each word. It's truly a remarkable reading experience.

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A daily Joy! Each moment together is a happy one. thank you!!

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