Thank you for this. Under the influence of other recent comments by DW on the nature of sound and sight, I played the audio on a very good little speaker, and watched the video on my phone. For a moment, I stood in the space between the senses, wondering at their entire difference. I then closed my eyes and followed only the sound as it resonated inside my body. Blessing? I think so.

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",..hear voices

even where there is no voice

and invitations where

there is no invitation..." Yes.


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There is something deep within us that only the natural world can reach.

We just need to listen.

Just notice the transformation around us as the light catches what we have become too tired to see.

And constantly renew this connection.

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Goosebumps. To bless means an invocation of divine favour placed upon us. Being aware of Being. Fully awakening and born again into the now of here. Spiritual medicine 🙏❤️

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A beautiful piece that fills my heart with warmth, and my Soul with gratitude for the tender and delicate moments that Nature gifts us with. Sacred moments that call for presence; anything else gladly surrendered.

Thank you for the beautiful poems, David.

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Greetings Mr. Whyte,

The sound of the ever returning wordless outpouring cry of raw unearthly emotion a jewel weaved together with your gifted blessings a prolonged sound keenly felt deep within cleaves the fibers of my silent morning-mourning. Geraldine

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Namaste Geraldine from India

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Stunningly beautiful on every level.

It became my morning prayer.

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..."I also see myself being seen, so I can be born again...", inextricably part of the whole, feeling seen and breathed by something bigger and larger that knows every hair on my head!

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Beautiful flowing words that go straight to my heart and soul

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I feel blessed waking up to the sounds of your poetry David as my eyes were still closed but my ears we’re listening from within. Such beauty of words ~❤️

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I found this deeply moving. Thank you, dear David. Barbara

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Ohh, "so that strangely, I also see myself being seen...."

This reached Deep WithIN MY Heart.

Thank you for Sharing with ALL of US.

Yes and AMEyn ✨💞💥🌹✨

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David Whyte, your poetic writings have inspired me and my own depth of writing. Thank you so much! I’ve also loved being apart of many three Sundays with you and everyone. Hopefully will do again when able! Keep writing from your beautiful soul wisdom and may one day We all make that leap from human mind into integration of mind/soul, evolving our now much needed loving soul higher species upon earth.

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Inspiring way to start my day. Thank you. May we all "know that we are here."

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Again, David, you have found the words, images, rhythm, intonation and insight that restores my sense of belonging and meaning to the purest forms of life and living, and I am left enchanted, wistful, peaceful, and simultaneously invigorated and motivated to experience being alive and seeing the extra in the ordinary. Thank you for sharing your gifts with the world in such a beautiful way.

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