My favorite line: "End is a merciful and useful word, not in its accuracy, but in its very lack of accuracy: it gives us the excuse to take a breath, to take a psychological rest in the illusion that something has now finished and that, miracle of miracles, something else has not begun, and that it may even be a good while before something new and stressful and perplexing begins." Always grateful for the pause, the breath I didn't know I was holding.

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And this one: “End is our good friend, but end, of course, can never be an end in itself.”

I now recognize there’s no such thing as an absolute ending.

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I made so many connections while reading this! I realized I have a love-hate relationship with this word. I think I resist and even hate to be the one to End anything — projects, relationships, location — but if something or someone else is the decision maker in the process, it may sometimes be painful but I also feel a sense of relief and freedom to anticipate something new, as you said in this essay.

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