Ah, writing now from Arranmore Island off the coast of Ireland, so very good to find your "Hartshead" here and to have your video (thank you). I have always relished images in my mind from your descriptions of Yorkshire, and now to see it and read again your poem, is such fine nourishment. Blessings and gratitude to you and all those working with you. I return to the US mid month. I love September! There's NO light like the light of early autumn showing us such tender light.

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David, and Bhodi, thank you both so much for this...

As I sit here on a Sunday afternoon in Richmond in the states, I am easily reminded of the space that resonated similarly with me. Alas, it is no more as the development machine has churned through.

This piece though has driven be to find another, and I have. It is in the Blue Ridge Mountains, and I know it will inspire me to make next work.

All the Best,


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These sacred spaces, constants in our lives

Refuges of richness


I want to put my hand on the earth

and feel the history..... the seasons turning through time

Feet planted, rooted into the history, trunk present in the now, and head leaning into what tomorrows might look like - maybe the same beautiful, soft watercolours , gentle winds, alive with Nature's powerful mystery and wisdom.

What a picturesque and lovely video, Bodi! Thank you for sharing your memories and senses of this special place, David.

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Thank you David, and Bodhi. Deep bows of gratitude for these film bits that bring voice and place into my home in a different way, as appreciated as the deep and different dive poems provide.

This morning I watched birds at my little feeder and celebrated this one place nature reaches me daily in a rented mobile home, and read the human need for nature (Iain McGilchrist). Now here this gift of another reminder of both horizons and of history.

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Thank you. what a lovely way to wake up on a Sunday morning and watch your video and read this. I moved around a lot as a child and an adult and now have lived in Santa Cruz for 25 years. my horizon is the Monterey bay, often the Marine layer and occasionally Monterey. The Pacific Ocean is out there, although I can’t see it.

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Thank you, David for keeping me focused on the horizon🙏

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