Thank you David, for you beautiful poems. They inspire creativity and peace

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Thank you for this poem. It resonates deeply and allows the tears to flow. ❤️

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This is a very relatable poem. We have all been here. Dark, hopeless. But the mistake is to think it will not change. The mistake is to think you are not connected to Earth and your own Humanity. That you are beyond joy and beauty and love. We begin to live defensively to lessen the pain we feel. But it does not work that way! As David says : Cry for goodness sake......let go......come home to who you really are, without apology.

I love the lines : "... be like the beauty we see in winter ice, just beginning to break and flow." After the pain of being frozen comes the beauty of flowing free. Pain is a great teacher and healer but we mistake it for permanent and forget that law of the universe that says that everything is in a state of flux, always seeking balance. We love the Light, yet Darkness has equal value if we don't allow fear to dominate. I was once taught FEAR is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. A thought that can break the winter ice perhaps and guide the pilgrim home.

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Ah, a relatable poem, indeed. The bards, the poets, and Dawn Glaisher of FEAR fame, forever melting into holographic images in the atmosphere, in the atom being. Unreconstructed outlaws, all of you, a Mr. Whyte-ism which I have adopted, I love love love that phrase, I’m putting it on a T-shirt, being the renegade I am, teehee.

Cry for goodness sake, without apology, boom! I have a large cry gene, I release and I abandon through tears, I cry, and then I have better vision and hearing, and all my senses open up. I was created to weep at the chosen moment, tears call me, I guess I have a gift, a calling for tears.

Cry for pity sake, just move yourself off the spot of defensiveness, crying is a vehicle, a sacred embodiment. Weeping is not for everyone, I have a dear hard edged sister friend, who hasn’t cried in decades, and proud of it, and she says to me “I don’t have time for tears” I say, dear one, whatever floats your canoe.

I appreciate you Dawn, thank you, you always give me much to munch on. . .!

Go well, until we meet again, Geraldine

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so lovely!! yes!!! *whispering*: "just come home" - love that!

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