Thank you David - each time i read this it evokes a deep gratitude for your sharing these insights and words which touch so deeply my inner core and express so beautifully the tensions of love that many of us carry

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What an interesting journey in reading this poem. From melancholy and heartbreak, to memories I kept at bay to a gentle solace. Grateful, David, as always. What a gift you and your words are to the world.

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Always enjoy every moment of the path you have taken and appreciate what others have taken, because by looking and appreciating others' path, you are able to make adjustment and make your journey more joyful.

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This made me smile a soft smile as I arrived at the end. Thank you so much.

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I was thinking of old friends today and how we no longer share the intricacies of our lives. No matter. I will hold them in spaces they have carved into my heart. Thank you for putting such poignant thoughts into a lovely poem, David.

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Let’s allow the Living Water to flow between ourselves and those with whom we disagree, seeing each other with love and compassion and empathy until we all cross to the other side.

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This is a beautifully written piece. I actually talked of the road less travelled in my illustrated diary this week - my main point being that Frost never really acknowledged if the road taken, the one that made all of the difference was a positive or negative difference.

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- I would like to read the Words in Bloom take on this ...the point made by Frost was that he "took the one less travelled by" which is what made the difference to him - because he did not want to follow the crowd - he wanted to indviduate and that is what made the difference to him - my conclusion is that to Frost just following his heart to be true to himself would have made it a positive experience

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I agree, however, I do believe that when offered choices we do tend to look back and consider where we had been if things had been different… Even when we follow our hearts things don't always turn out rosey - its our response to the things that matter to us that is important. As for Frost, he got to teach and is the only poet to receive four Pulitzer Prizes - I believe he'd be happy with the path followed 🙂

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I appreciate your pointing out so eloquently that “Even when we follow our hearts, things don’t always turn out rosey—it’s our response to the things that matter to us that is important.” This is an essential truth for human beings; we are not guaranteed a happy ending, and nonetheless, we must strive to honor our hearts' yearnings.

To be more fully human, we must embrace our own path as authentically as possible and, along the way, do our best to love those whose paths cross our own, whether for a moment or a lifetime.

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Exactly this! We all have an idea of what happy looks like, don’t we? But achieving it? Sustaining it? It takes work x

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I wanted to comment because I just love all the comments on here. Everyone is so insightful, giving me new ways of thinking about these pieces of writing. Thanks! :)

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Beautiful words.

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And stunning photo!

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Thank you, deeply.

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Oh my. This struck me to my core.

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So incredible, as your words here, describe my life, too.

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Very beautiful and poignant

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So beautiful. Thank you, David.

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