The words of David Whyte have become my guiding light in this period of transition. Soon, I will read his words again from my spiritual home in the Burren - where the pipes play mystically in the wind and where I feel grounded, loved and spiritually at home.

Recovering tech executive...

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Whether online or in print, you always speak to my condition. Your ability to put words to the rawest part of life is a healing power. Thank you for having such sensitive perception - is it hard for you?

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The old wild place beyond all shame, thank you for this reminder how important it is for me every day to return to the old wild place. yesterday my day got away from me and I forgot to take time to meditate to move my body freely and spend time in my garden. today I will remember.

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While my brain tries to figure out the meaning behind these words, my body and heart are moved to tears. For they know, they remember.

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Today it is this that speaks to me: " leaving the breath/to know its way home." How effort and under this desire, can resist what it seeks. Grateful for this.

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To be held by the moment, to be held in the presence of the...

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So beautiful! Thank you!

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