These lines take me back so deeply into the physicality of that moment that I had great difficulty in bringing myself to read them again.... DW

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Yes, I would imagine.

Thank you for, once again, giving presence to what it means to be a human being on this pilgrimage road. Thank you for your wholeheartedness and devotion.

I am recalling Brother David's lesson to you, to all of us, on wholeheartedness in "Crossing the Unknown Sea." I also remember him saying to you, "half here will kill you." You have certainly taken that lesson to heart. I have, too.

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My heart is full of joyous grief as I think of my own last goodbye to my father. Thank you for bringing me so dearly, so deeply, into that final room with you and your mother and her spirit and your family, for the intimacy of it all, and the realness, the current that flows under everything. Your words take me reliably and passionately to the deep underpinnings of all that is holy and precious in this life and the life beyond. I have a heart filled with gratitude for you nd your contribution to my life.

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So very touching and beautiful too. It makes me weep.. Thank you for sharing these precious moments with us David. ❤️

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The step close in, a gush of instant tears on my side of the screen, pounding potent deep emotions revealed.

Enjoy the immensity of the Ocean and the warm sunsets, Mr. Whyte. GH

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As a hospital chaplain, I'm present at many deathbeds and grateful for your words that capture both the beauty and the pain of those intimate moments. Thank you for sharing your vulnerability here in a way that resonates with all of us who are grieving.

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I go each year a few times to sit by my mother's resting place. When I do, I am usually accompanied audibly by the story of your mother on Our Mother's, Ourselves podcast. Thank you, David for continuing to stand before those of us who were fortunate in different ways with the experience of our mothers and to offer such words as these. SJ

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For me, this is one of your most powerful poems. It brings back personal memories and also regrets when such goodbyes were not possible. But mostly it just wrings out and then opens this human heart. Grateful.

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